esReven Project Manager

Scenario details

Bug report (Scenario)
Edit Record Replay Analyze

Scenario: CVE-2019-1347_peparsercrash_minimal


Replayed completely

7.5 GB

Replay directory:

CD-ROM Mount point:

Limit number of instructions:

Download scenario's archive

Missing PDBs

Various system files usually do not have PDBs in official servers, so the following list is rarely empty. However, you can upload your own PDB files below if necessary.

Download missing pdb list

Upload PDB


User Data


16.4 kB


Record directory:

Input directory:

Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 11:15:48 AM


Name Progress Duration Associated resources Resources ready
Trace 100.00% 00:03:42 Trace, Executed Blocks 2/2
Framebuffer 100.00% None Framebuffer 1/1
OSSI 100.00% 00:00:29 Light Filesystem, Kernel Description 2/2
Memory History 100.00% 00:06:12 Memory History 1/1
Strings 100.00% 00:02:24 Strings 1/1
Backtrace & Calltree 100.00% 00:05:34 Stack Events 1/1
Fast Search 100.00% 00:06:28 OSSI Ranges, PC Ranges 2/2
Filters 100.00% 00:01:58 OSSI Ranges 1/1


Replay duration:

Total replay size:
6.1 GB


Name Progress Duration Size Version Date Options
Trace log 100.00% 00:01:59 3.0 GB 1.0.3 Thursday, April 11, 2024, 8:10:49 AM
  • No options
Executed Blocks log 100.00% 00:01:43 241.2 MB 1.0.0 Thursday, April 11, 2024, 8:20:03 AM
  • No options
Framebuffer 100.00% None 154 Bytes No metadata available No metadata available
  • No options
Memory History log 100.00% 00:06:12 2.3 GB 1.0.1 Thursday, April 11, 2024, 8:10:49 AM
  • No options
Strings log 100.00% 00:02:24 3.5 MB 1.0.0 Thursday, April 11, 2024, 8:16:45 AM
  • min_strings_size: 5
  • max_strings_size: 128
  • strings_utf16: true
Stack Events log 100.00% 00:05:34 231.4 MB 2.1.3 Thursday, April 11, 2024, 8:12:32 AM
  • No options
OSSI Ranges log 100.00% 00:01:58 34.4 MB 2.1.0 Thursday, April 11, 2024, 8:16:45 AM
  • No options
PC Ranges log 100.00% 00:04:30 12.6 MB 1.0.1 Thursday, April 11, 2024, 8:12:32 AM
  • No options
Light Filesystem 100.00% None 297.0 MB No metadata available No metadata available
  • No options
Kernel Description log 100.00% 00:00:05 61.1 kB 3.0.0 Thursday, April 11, 2024, 8:10:32 AM
  • No options


Name Duration Date
Download light PDBs log 00:00:24 Thursday, April 11, 2024, 8:20:02 AM