esReven Project Manager

Task manager

Bug report (Task)

Task a7c4440d-720e-4544-ab9a-3bef2e0c3297

Type Replay a scenario
Scenario cve-2020-15999-remote
UUID a7c4440d-720e-4544-ab9a-3bef2e0c3297
Status Success
Resource Trace
Start date Thursday, February 29, 2024, 8:52:06 AM
Duration 00:14:44
Finish date Thursday, February 29, 2024, 9:06:50 AM
Replay progress 100.00%
Log Download
[2024-02-29 08:52:06,386][INFO] Log started at 2024-02-29 08:52:06.385846+00:00
[2024-02-29 08:52:06,386][INFO] Log into /Reven2/2.15.0/Logs/Tasks/a7c4440d-720e-4544-ab9a-3bef2e0c3297.log
[2024-02-29 08:52:06,472][INFO] Replaying resource 'trace' of scenario 342c6291-44b7-448e-b9fa-6f186c253553
[2024-02-29 08:52:06,473][INFO] Using '/Reven2/2.15.0/Replays/cve-2020-15999-remote_342c6291-44b7-448e-b9fa-6f186c253553' as the working directory
[2024-02-29 08:52:06,543][INFO] Log replay in '/Reven2/2.15.0/Logs/Scenarios/cve-2020-15999-remote_342c6291-44b7-448e-b9fa-6f186c253553/trace-2024-02-29T085206.536521+0000.log'
[2024-02-29 08:52:06,544][INFO] Using temporary directory '/Reven2/2.15.0/Replays/cve-2020-15999-remote_342c6291-44b7-448e-b9fa-6f186c253553/trace.part'
[2024-02-29 08:52:06,545][INFO] Running replay...
[2024-02-29 08:52:06,545][DEBUG] Launching command 'panda-system-x86_64 -replay /Reven2/2.15.0/Records/cve-2020-15999-remote_342c6291-44b7-448e-b9fa-6f186c253553/record/91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d -m 2048M -usbdevice tablet -panda reven_icount -panda reven_tracer_bin'
[2024-02-29 08:52:06,556][DEBUG] PID: 47516
[2024-02-29 09:06:50,870][INFO] Replay successful, moving files...
[2024-02-29 09:06:50,874][INFO] Moving file 'trace.bin' from temporary directory to 'trace.bin' in the project directory...
[2024-02-29 09:06:50,876][INFO] Moving file 'trace.cache' from temporary directory to 'trace.cache' in the project directory...
[2024-02-29 09:06:50,877][INFO] Successfuly move files
[2024-02-29 09:06:50,877][INFO] Removing temporary directory '/Reven2/2.15.0/Replays/cve-2020-15999-remote_342c6291-44b7-448e-b9fa-6f186c253553/trace.part'
Replay generation logs Download
Start date: 2024-02-29 08:52:06.545523+00:00
Command: panda-system-x86_64 -replay /Reven2/2.15.0/Records/cve-2020-15999-remote_342c6291-44b7-448e-b9fa-6f186c253553/record/91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d -m 2048M -usbdevice tablet -panda reven_icount -panda reven_tracer_bin

PANDA[core]:initializing reven_icount
PANDA[core]:initializing reven_tracer_bin
Starting trace recording...
loading snapshot
... done.
opening nondet log for read : /Reven2/2.15.0/Records/cve-2020-15999-remote_342c6291-44b7-448e-b9fa-6f186c253553/record/91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d-rr-nondet.log
/Reven2/2.15.0/Records/cve-2020-15999-remote_342c6291-44b7-448e-b9fa-6f186c253553/record/91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d-rr-nondet.log: 672051815 instrs total.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 6720519 ( 1.00%) instrs. 13.83 sec. 1.10 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 13441038 ( 2.00%) instrs. 22.86 sec. 1.11 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 20161555 ( 3.00%) instrs. 32.67 sec. 1.15 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 26882073 ( 4.00%) instrs. 42.68 sec. 1.15 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 33602591 ( 5.00%) instrs. 52.06 sec. 1.16 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 40323109 ( 6.00%) instrs. 60.97 sec. 1.16 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 47043630 ( 7.00%) instrs. 69.82 sec. 1.17 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 53764148 ( 8.00%) instrs. 78.36 sec. 1.19 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 60484666 ( 9.00%) instrs. 86.92 sec. 1.20 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 67205182 ( 10.00%) instrs. 95.29 sec. 1.21 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 73925701 ( 11.00%) instrs. 104.27 sec. 1.22 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 80646226 ( 12.00%) instrs. 113.07 sec. 1.22 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 87366757 ( 13.00%) instrs. 118.52 sec. 1.22 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 94087255 ( 14.00%) instrs. 128.76 sec. 1.22 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 100807777 ( 15.00%) instrs. 138.58 sec. 1.23 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 107528301 ( 16.00%) instrs. 147.25 sec. 1.24 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 114248814 ( 17.00%) instrs. 155.51 sec. 1.24 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 120969327 ( 18.00%) instrs. 162.99 sec. 1.24 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 127689850 ( 19.00%) instrs. 172.41 sec. 1.25 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 134410369 ( 20.00%) instrs. 180.88 sec. 1.25 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 141130887 ( 21.00%) instrs. 190.27 sec. 1.26 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 147851401 ( 22.00%) instrs. 198.78 sec. 1.27 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 154571922 ( 23.00%) instrs. 207.35 sec. 1.28 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 161292439 ( 24.00%) instrs. 216.52 sec. 1.28 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 168012956 ( 25.00%) instrs. 226.09 sec. 1.29 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 174733475 ( 26.00%) instrs. 234.95 sec. 1.30 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 181453995 ( 27.00%) instrs. 243.61 sec. 1.30 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 188174516 ( 28.00%) instrs. 252.59 sec. 1.30 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 194895031 ( 29.00%) instrs. 260.59 sec. 1.31 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 201615546 ( 30.00%) instrs. 269.20 sec. 1.31 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 208336064 ( 31.00%) instrs. 279.14 sec. 1.32 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 215056583 ( 32.00%) instrs. 288.02 sec. 1.33 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 221777106 ( 33.00%) instrs. 294.91 sec. 1.33 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 228497620 ( 34.00%) instrs. 302.85 sec. 1.34 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 235218147 ( 35.00%) instrs. 312.38 sec. 1.35 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 241938661 ( 36.00%) instrs. 320.01 sec. 1.35 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 248659193 ( 37.00%) instrs. 326.06 sec. 1.36 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 255379692 ( 38.00%) instrs. 333.66 sec. 1.36 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 262100209 ( 39.00%) instrs. 342.12 sec. 1.37 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 268820727 ( 40.00%) instrs. 350.94 sec. 1.38 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 275541246 ( 41.00%) instrs. 358.34 sec. 1.39 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 282261764 ( 42.00%) instrs. 367.29 sec. 1.39 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 288982298 ( 43.00%) instrs. 375.62 sec. 1.39 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 295702802 ( 44.00%) instrs. 383.96 sec. 1.40 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 302423321 ( 45.00%) instrs. 392.29 sec. 1.40 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 309143836 ( 46.00%) instrs. 400.69 sec. 1.40 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 315864354 ( 47.00%) instrs. 408.98 sec. 1.41 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 322584872 ( 48.00%) instrs. 417.37 sec. 1.41 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 329305392 ( 49.00%) instrs. 426.40 sec. 1.41 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 336025917 ( 50.00%) instrs. 436.16 sec. 1.41 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 342746427 ( 51.00%) instrs. 445.50 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 349466949 ( 52.00%) instrs. 454.17 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 356187468 ( 53.00%) instrs. 462.08 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 362907986 ( 54.00%) instrs. 469.58 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 369628499 ( 55.00%) instrs. 476.46 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 376349019 ( 56.00%) instrs. 484.28 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 383069536 ( 57.00%) instrs. 492.24 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 389790053 ( 58.00%) instrs. 500.69 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 396510572 ( 59.00%) instrs. 508.93 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 403231090 ( 60.00%) instrs. 516.99 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 409951613 ( 61.00%) instrs. 524.96 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 416672134 ( 62.00%) instrs. 532.89 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 423392648 ( 63.00%) instrs. 541.28 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 430113162 ( 64.00%) instrs. 549.85 sec. 1.42 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 436833683 ( 65.00%) instrs. 559.05 sec. 1.43 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 443554198 ( 66.00%) instrs. 567.64 sec. 1.43 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 450274718 ( 67.00%) instrs. 576.51 sec. 1.43 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 456995246 ( 68.00%) instrs. 583.71 sec. 1.44 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 463715753 ( 69.00%) instrs. 591.99 sec. 1.44 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 470436279 ( 70.00%) instrs. 599.05 sec. 1.44 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 477156791 ( 71.00%) instrs. 605.90 sec. 1.44 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 483877320 ( 72.00%) instrs. 613.12 sec. 1.44 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 490597827 ( 73.00%) instrs. 621.46 sec. 1.44 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 497318345 ( 74.00%) instrs. 628.33 sec. 1.44 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 504038862 ( 75.00%) instrs. 635.77 sec. 1.44 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 510759398 ( 76.00%) instrs. 644.47 sec. 1.45 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 517479911 ( 77.00%) instrs. 652.92 sec. 1.45 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 524200417 ( 78.00%) instrs. 660.83 sec. 1.45 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 530920945 ( 79.00%) instrs. 668.77 sec. 1.46 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 537641453 ( 80.00%) instrs. 676.51 sec. 1.46 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 544361980 ( 81.00%) instrs. 684.37 sec. 1.46 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 551082494 ( 82.00%) instrs. 692.23 sec. 1.46 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 557803009 ( 83.00%) instrs. 699.66 sec. 1.46 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 564523527 ( 84.00%) instrs. 706.36 sec. 1.46 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 571244043 ( 85.00%) instrs. 713.30 sec. 1.47 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 577964563 ( 86.00%) instrs. 720.27 sec. 1.47 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 584685081 ( 87.00%) instrs. 726.83 sec. 1.47 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 591405601 ( 88.00%) instrs. 733.40 sec. 1.47 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 598126117 ( 89.00%) instrs. 741.29 sec. 1.48 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 604846635 ( 90.00%) instrs. 749.12 sec. 1.48 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 611567154 ( 91.00%) instrs. 757.02 sec. 1.48 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 618287671 ( 92.00%) instrs. 763.48 sec. 1.48 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 625008188 ( 93.00%) instrs. 769.97 sec. 1.48 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 631728707 ( 94.00%) instrs. 777.33 sec. 1.48 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 638449230 ( 95.00%) instrs. 783.78 sec. 1.48 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 645169746 ( 96.00%) instrs. 790.94 sec. 1.48 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 651890261 ( 97.00%) instrs. 798.06 sec. 1.48 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 658610783 ( 98.00%) instrs. 806.74 sec. 1.48 GB ram.
91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d: 665331298 ( 99.00%) instrs. 814.27 sec. 1.48 GB ram.
/Reven2/2.15.0/Records/cve-2020-15999-remote_342c6291-44b7-448e-b9fa-6f186c253553/record/91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d-rr-nondet.log: log is empty.
/Reven2/2.15.0/Records/cve-2020-15999-remote_342c6291-44b7-448e-b9fa-6f186c253553/record/91584808-5f9e-459c-a80a-c0506354813d-rr-nondet.log: log is empty.
Time taken was: 852 seconds.
RR_INPUT_1 number = 0, size = 0 bytes
RR_INPUT_2 number = 0, size = 0 bytes
RR_INPUT_4 number = 10172, size = 142408 bytes
RR_INPUT_8 number = 178114, size = 3206052 bytes
RR_INTERRUPT_REQUEST number = 25434, size = 356076 bytes
RR_EXIT_REQUEST number = 0, size = 0 bytes
RR_SKIPPED_CALL number = 3819, size = 1910142 bytes
RR_END_OF_LOG number = 1, size = 10 bytes
RR_PENDING_INTERRUPTS number = 0, size = 0 bytes
RR_EXCEPTION number = 0, size = 0 bytes
max_queue_len = 376
Checksum of guest memory: 0x30eddaea
Replay completed successfully
Flushing trace...
Exiting cpu_handle_execption loop