esReven Project Manager

Table of content

Advanced system pre-requisites

This page details the system pre-requisites for the server. In most installations, reading the basic pre-requisites should be sufficient.


The table below shows how Reven organizes its data.

Path Comment
VM The VM repository containing the QEMU images, should be fast for snapshot save/load operations.
Reven scenarios Scenario-specific files such as their binaries, the recordings, the replay files, which may be quite large (hundreds of GB).
Storage requires a high I/O throughput, to get the best performance out of Reven (e.g. SSD).
IMPORTANT: Since this directory will contain SQlite databases, be careful not to have it being in an NFS mount, or you may experience some difficulties and bugs.
PDBs Can be shared between users and/or machines.
Archives The scenarios exports. Can be used for backups.
Storage can be slow, should be safe (RAID, ZFS, ...).
Temporary directory A work directory for Reven. The faster the better.
Putting that directory in a RAMFS mount point will even help reduce latency during scenario recording.

During the installation process, you will have to provide a base data folder. The table below shows the default path configuration accordingly defined in the esReven docker-compose file. ${DATA} represents the base data folder.

NOTE: you can alter these mappings individually after following the installation process.

Path Default docker-compose.yml volume mapping
VM ${DATA}/reven/VMs:/VMs
Reven scenarios ${DATA}/reven/Reven2:/Reven2
PDBs ${DATA}/reven/symbols:/home/reven/.local/share/reven/symbols
Archives None by default, but should look like this: /path/to/Archives:/Reven2/Archives
Temporary directory None by default, but should look like this: /path/to/very/fast/disk:/Reven2/tmp


The list below shows networking requirements and options between the Reven server and other machines. Make sure any filtering device is configured to allow these connections.

Incoming connections:

Out-going connections:

NOTE: When the installation is on a machine using a proxy to access the network you should set QUASAR_HTTP_PROXY and QUASAR_HTTPS_PROXY so that the symbol servers are accessible. Please refer to the settings file for more information and examples about how to fill out these variables.