esReven Project Manager

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Jupyter Integration

esReven includes a JupyterLab instance via the My notebooks app so that you can easily use the Reven Python API in notebooks.

JupyterLab is a web interface that allows, among other things, to execute Python code and prepare Markdown write-ups from your browser.

Using JupyterLab

To start using Jupyter notebooks with a scenario in Reven, please follow the steps below:

  1. In esReven, go to esReven Manager, in the Analyze page of your scenario.
  2. Click the Copy to clipboard button to copy the snippet allowing you to connect to the Reven server.
  3. In esReven, go to My notebooks to access the JupyterLab instance.
  4. Create a notebook, be sure to select the proper kernel Python [conda env:reven] to be able to import reven2 successfully.
  5. Paste the snippet as the first cell of the notebook.
  6. Edit the snippet to your needs and then execute it, using for instance Shift+Enter or the GUI.

Changes compared to previous Reven versions